IgorInteriores has two stores in Portugal, one in Penafiel and another in Gaia (see addresses and location below on this page). You can also order online (portuguese only) or request a budget. Please let us know what you need.
We make deliveries and assembly in your residence (availability and cost depends on location)*.
* Free delivery at 50 Km range of our shops, and for orders above 500 €.
Please fill the form below.
Igor Interiores – Penafiel
Rua Tenente Valadim, 84
4560-532 Penafiel
(+351) 255 726 067 / (+351) 962 287 947
Igor Interiores – Gaia
Av. Beira Mar, 1755
4400-382 Canidelo Vila Nova de Gaia
(+351) 227 819 088 / (+351) 962 287 947